Aggression in the Clinical Process
Date: Wednesday, April 17: 7:30pm-9pm
Credits: 1.5 CE
Speaker: Adam Breakey Hinshaw, PhD
Meeting is both on Zoom & in-person at:
The Center for Integrative Counseling & Psychology
4305 MacArthur Ave.
Dallas, TX 75209
This monthly meeting focuses on the aggressive drive and its ubiquity in human relations and the clinical process, including rupture and repair. I will present a general overview of the aggressive drive and the inherent “aggressiveness” of human beings, attempting a synthesis of neuro-psychoanalytic, Freudian/Lacanian, and modern psychoanalytic (Spotnitz and Meadow) views, then discuss aggression’s manifestation and handling in the clinical process. My central goal is to show how aggression - much like love, grief, sex, playfulness, anxiety, and fear - not only demands our awareness in relating to our patients and how they relate to us, but can often serve as a constructive force of adaption and creation.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to describe the functional purposes of aggression in humans.
Participants will be able to conceptualize how aggression manifests at different levels of psychological functioning.
Participants will be able to distinguish between destructive and creative forms aggression.
Participants will be able to identify ways to (1) respond to their aggression as psychotherapists and to (2) address their patients’ relationship to aggression.
Giacolini, T., & Sabatello, U. (2019). Psychoanalysis and affective neuroscience. The motivational/emotional system of aggression in human relations. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2475.
Lacan, J.. (2006). Aggressiveness in psychoanalysis. In Écrits: The First Complete Edition in English (pp. 82-101). W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Spotnitz, H., & Meadow, P. W. (1995). Treatment of the narcissistic neuroses. Rowman & Littlefield.
If you are DSPP Member, make sure you apply your discount code to attend free of charge.