Monthly Meeting
Finding the middle ground between refrigerator mothers and genetics: Understanding autism spectrum disorder through a psychodynamic lens.
Date: Wednesday, March 22: 7:30pm-9pm
Credits: 1.5 CE
Speaker: Kevin Goldberg, Psy.D.
Meeting is in-person at:
The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology
4305 MacArthur Ave.
Dallas, TX 75209
Autism spectrum disorder is being diagnosed at unprecedented rates. While many researchers are analyzing a genetic component, attempts to understand autism through a psychological aspect is also appropriate. The presenter will define autism spectrum disorder through the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and provide a brief history of the understanding of the disorder. The presenter will address the widely accepted views of autism and autism treatment. Various other views of autism and treatment modalities will be discussed specifically through a psychodynamic lens. Lastly, the presenter will raise a hypothesis regarding a psychodynamic understanding of autism.
Learning Objectives:
Identify core tenants of autism spectrum disorder;
Understand the "mainstream" approach to treatment of autism;
Understand how psychodynamic functions could impact one's development of autism;
Formulate a clinical understanding of relational autism treatment.
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